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Q&A with our Newest Ceramist: Alexis Courtney

Q&A with our Newest Ceramist: Alexis Courtney

Get to know Alexis Courtney with East Clay Ceramics before her official launch date of July 22nd.

What do you want people to take away from your art? 

Pottery has a lovely way of forming rituals within a space and within someones daily routine. Whether it's a mug they use for coffee each morning, a vase to hold their favorite blooms or a bedside lamp, I hope each piece finds it’s perfect place in their home and brings them joy every time it’s used.

How did you first decide to pursue art professionally?

Young. I’m still a photographer today, but working with clay has become another form of expression on a very different plane. I was hooked immediately due to the meditative nature that working with clay provides. It forces you to practice so many important life lessons on a daily basis. From letting go, to seeking balance and embracing imperfections. My background in photography provided me a good foundation in starting East Clay and from there I never looked back.

Describe a real-life situation that inspired you.

Every morning when I walk outside I’m inspired by my surroundings. The golden light hitting the field outside my house, the bees landing on the picnic table and the flowers in bloom. Nature and the never ending search for balance are two of my most utilized inspirations.

What do you enjoy when you're not creating art?

Lately I’ve been very in to gardening. Both for food and for pleasure. I’ve been focused on planting medical herbs and flowers as well as growing a vegetable garden. I also thoroughly enjoy being in and around any body of water so trips to the beach have been a must this summer.

What's your favorite part of being an artist?

I’d say my favorite part of being an artist is the freedom it gives me. It’s not always easy to find inspiration and I definitely don’t succeed 100% of the time. But the freedom I have to create, fail and try again is arts biggest draw.

What does success mean to you as an artist? 

Success as an artist to me is when I walk in to someones home and see them enjoying something I’ve made. It isn’t about money or fame, it’s about bringing a little bit of happiness to someones life with a handmade object that gets to be loved until it’s demise.

What is your definition of art? / What does art mean to you? 

Art can mean so many things, but to me Art is unobstructed, determined self expression.

Describe your work in three words. 

Subtle, tactile, controlled.

What advice do you wish someone had given you when you were starting? 

I would have loved more guidance on the business end of things. I’ve had to learn by trial and error for the most part, so a course in setting oneself up for success would have been helpful!

Your go-to playlist at home/ at work?

Currently a playlist titled Earth Side that I’ve been slowly adding to. I’m preparing to have a baby so it’s been allowing me to tap into a sense of calm amidst all the chaos.

Favorite way to spend your weekends?

With my love, Andrew, and our friends and family. Eating good food and spending quality time together. Anywhere will do.


Want to see more before July 22nd? Feel free to email liza@lizapruitt.com for a first look. 

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