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Nancy Jadatz - Liza Pruitt

Nancy Jadatz

About Nancy Jadatz

Artist Nancy Jadatz paints peaceful impressionist scenes of the tidewater area of Virginia. “I seek to create a feeling of calmness and composition that draws the observer into the painting,” says Nancy. After pursuing a degree in art education and art history, she taught to over five hundred 7th graders every week for several years. Today, she enjoys pursuing her professional art career and lives half the year in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts. And when she’s not painting, she’s riding, running, hiking, or skiing. In her studio which she jovially describes as rarely tidy, Nancy simultaneously works on three to four paintings. She starts her process with a wet-on-wet technique, blending with oversized brushes. Once satisfied with the background colors, she then allows the canvas to dry completely before adding the next five to seven layers sometimes employing different tools to achieve texture or an imperfect edge and fingers to smudge or soften lines. “As an artist, I never have enough room! Natural lighting is always tricky so I tend to add the final details in another space other than my studio where I can stand far away.”

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