Meet Sarah Brannon of Sarah Brannon Interiors

Native Texan, Sarah Brannon, caught our eye on Instagram with her gorgeous use of color, art and textiles in her interiors. Having worked for well-known designers in Dallas for years, she took the leap and started her own company, Sarah Brannon Interiors, in 2018 when she and her family moved to Midland, Texas. We are so glad she did and are looking forward to seeing more of her beautiful work online!
Hi Sarah! Welcome to LP Spotlight! To start, can you tell us a little bit about your background? Where did you grow up and how did you get your start in interior design?
I am thrilled to be included in your spotlight and feel honored to have been selected! I am from a small-ish town in West Texas (San Angelo to be exact - a great place to grow up!) I took a pretty traditional route into interior design. I went to design school at Texas Tech University. After graduation, I was lucky enough to have three great jobs over the course of 10 years in the Dallas-Fort Worth area working under different designers - all with so much to teach and different styles to learn about! My husband’s job moved us to Midland in 2018. Looking back I wonder if without the move I would have ever taken the leap to being my own boss?! Just an added note - my grandmother was a watercolor artist and I grew up taking lessons from her. I was always surrounded by beautiful original art that she created!
You worked for Jan Showers in Dallas before moving to West Texas. What was it like learning from such a powerhouse in the industry?
I am the luckiest independent designer in the world to have had the amazing opportunity to be trained under the BEST for almost eight years! I learned things from watching and working with Jan that I feel truly set me apart from others in terms of how to design and decorate a home. I love Jan and her team and stay in close contact with them.
What has been the most rewarding part of owning your own business?
I love that I can be so busy with really fun clients and projects, but also have so much flexibility to be with my family and do all the usual mom things!
You are a busy mom of three. Any tips for designing a kid-proof home?
I am all about indoor/outdoor fabrics and rugs! I am NOT into not accessorizing your home (or waiting) with beautiful things because of children. I prefer the “do not touch” approach in certain rooms like formal spaces, and then having plenty of spaces in your home where kids are free to roam, touch and be!
We love your use of color! It is bright and welcoming without being overwhelming. Where do you start with a color palette for a space?
I usually start with a beautiful wall color to help transform a space and then play off that with great patterned fabrics. Often blue is a starting place for a space and/or color palette.
You definitely have an eye for art. At what stage of the design process do you generally select the art?
Art is often the last thing we select. I really love for the art to be its very own thing and not be dictated by the room or vice versa. I love the juxtaposition between art and the room it lives in!
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